Written by Allison Sylvester-Conliffe

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; 
And what doth the LORD require of thee,
But to do justly, and to love mercy, 
And to walk humbly with thy God? 
Micah 6:8

What is the meaning of the term “Walk humbly with thy God”?  Is it to walk in a particular physical posture, with head bowed and wearing a pious expression with hands clasped?

Some believe that to walk humbly with God means to possess very little or living meagerly, and settling with just enough to get by.  Others think that to walk humbly with God means to not wear jewelry or any form of facial make up. Even others think that by eating bread and water and extremely simple meals means that they are walking humbly with God.  Some believe that being in prayer 24/7, and not even willing to fellowship with the brethren is walking humbly with God. 

The word humble according to the English Dictionary means –

  • Not of high rank
  • The absence of pride
  • Showing a low estimate of one’s importance or worth
  • Low in position

Everyone would agree that we all need the Grace of God to live on this earth.  It is imperative that we need Grace from God or else, as believers, we would be easy targets for our enemy satan. 

Proverbs 3:34 says that God gives Grace to the humble.  James 4:6 says that God resists the proud and gives Grace to the humble.  King David also understood the importance of being humble.  In Psalm 9:12  he says that God does not forget the cry of the humble.  Solomon, in the Book of Proverbs Chapter 16:19, says that it is better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud.  He says again in Proverbs 29:23  that a man’s pride shall bring him low, but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit. 

Therefore one could surmise that being humble is a very important attribute that believers must possess for us to please God, and also it is a requirement to enter into His Heaven.  Therefore we must understand clearly what walking humbly with God means.

In the Book of 2 Chronicles 12:7 we read about Rehoboam the king, who had humbled himself before God, and so the Lord decided not to destroy him and the people of Israel because of this act.  Let us look at what he had done which resulted in him having to turn around and humble himself… 

The Word of God says in 2 Chronicles 12:1 that Rehoboam strengthened himself and forsook the Law of the Lord.  He saw things through his own eyes and didn’t bother to seek God’s counsel.  Verse 2 of that same chapter says that Egypt came up to war against Israel because they had transgressed against the Lord!  God, in His mercy, sent a Word for the king in verse 5 saying that when we forsake God then He leaves us.  In verse 6 after the king received the Word as coming from God he humbled himself together with all the princes of Israel.  In verse 7 The Bible records that the Lord saw that they had humbled themselves; He relented from destroying them and gave them the deliverance that they needed.

2 Chronicles 33:21-25 shows us that Amnon did not walk humbly before God and was shamefully slain.

In 2 Chronicles 34 we read of Josiah the king who desired to please God.  He was only 8 years old when he began his reign as king, and he simply followed after what he saw David and those who followed after David doing.  He did not have the Book of the Law – the Commandments of God – The Word of God, as his guide.  His desire however, was to follow according to God’s words.  After his servants found the Book of the Law and read it to Josiah, the king was anxious to know from God if he was walking according to His precepts.  I believe that he understood clearly the wrath of God and how He felt about disobedience to His Word.  He therefore sent his servant to get a Word from God concerning how He saw his leadership of His people. 

God responded to Josiah in 2 Chronicles 34:27.

because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before God when you heard His words against this place and against its inhabitants, and you humbled yourself before Me, and you tore your clothes and wept before Me, I also have heard you,” says the LORD.

The response of King Josiah, in verses 29-33, was worship unto God. In Chapter 35 we see Josiah’s further acts of obedience to God’s commands according to his new understanding.  He followed the Word of God as laid down by Moses His servant to the letter for some time, and enjoyed the peace of God… until he stepped out of God’s will or order for his life, in one instance.  That act got him killed.

Let us look at the meaning of the word Humble once more –

  • Not of high rank
  • The absence of pride
  • Showing a low estimate of one’s importance or worth
  • Low in position

Walking humbly with God means simply not exalting one’s thoughts nor our wills above that which is God’s will for our lives.  If we allow God to rule and reign in and through us we will not be lifted up in pride.  Taking that stance automatically exalts God to the position that He deserves.  We would ultimately find ourselves in the lowly position which would only cause us to desire to walk as God leads. 

Walking humbly with God, simply put means, walking in obedience to God. 

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, 
that He may exalt you in due time. 
1 Peter 5:6

God richly Bless you as you seek to follow His lead.


  1. I have found in my past experiences with God humility is one of the languages of the Holy Spirit. It enables us to be open to what the Holy Spirit has to reveal in other words he speaks to us through our humility. Humility gives us the wisdom of the things that the world calls foolish. It is not really an action but a principle of the spirit life. To truely know God you must be humble and to truely be humble you must be able to communicate with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is the one who truely knows God other that his son.


  2. What a revelation to understand the word, “humbleness,” being defined as obedience to the Creator. Humility is being led by the Holy Spirit and doing exactly what His word commands. The willingness to give up your own will and follow Jesus. I recently wanted to view something on the internet and was convicted by the Holy Spirit. I asked the Holy Spirit to allow me to receive a scripture. I read the scripture (Micah 6:8) and realized that my flesh wanted to be satisfied which would have grieved the Holy Spirit. I received the word humble in scripture which led me to this website. I am thankful that the Lord is showing me how to walk humbly with Him. It is more than an outer show, it is being obedient to the Holy Spirit with reverence. I also know our bodies were paid for with a cost and are not our own because they belong to Jesus. We need to understand that with dress (outer appearance) can glorify or grieve the Holy Spirit. I am grateful Jesus has showed me another way to walk humbly with Him. Thank You Jesus….Praise God!!!!!!!


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