Written by Jane Hansen Hoyt
President of Aglow International

Keep “oil in your lamp” by daily fellowship with the Lord

Just think about this incredibly powerful and all inclusive statement. GOD HAS A WAY THROUGH EVERYTHING.  EVERYTHING!

There is nothing that is outside of His reach.  There is nothing His eye does not behold or His ear not able to hear.  God’s mighty arm is stretched out over the nations of the world.

With the rise of demonically driven terrorist groups who threaten anyone outside the sphere of their beliefs…from Syria and Iraq, to Europe and the United States; GOD HAS A WAY THROUGH IT ALL.


Genesis tells us that Abraham was nicely settled with his family in Ur of the Chaldeans.  Yet, the Lord told him to leave his country, his family, and his father’s house and go to a new land, which he would be shown once he left town!  Abraham was the starting place of God’s ultimate plan for restoration and through him all the families of the earth would be blessed.  He went out not knowing where he was going…but God had a way through it all.

Moses was told that he would be the one to deliver the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt by speaking to the very ruler who had kept them in oppression, yet Moses could barely speak….but God had a way through it all.  The promise of God to Moses was, “My Presence will go with you and I will give you rest.”

Joshua, the successor of Moses, would lead Israel across the Jordan and into the land they were promised.  They would have many enemies to conquer in the process.  Joshua was told not to fear, but to be strong and courageous…because God had a way through it all.

Esther saw herself as an orphan, but God saw her as a queen who would deliver His people amidst great hostility.

David learned that God was able to turn his mourning into dancing and clothe him with gladness even though David faced many a foe.

In the New Testament, a man with a withered hand stretched out that hand, and it was restored as whole as the other hand.

A dead girl was raised up at the words of Jesus.

Seas were calmed, demons were cast out, conflicts were resolved, thousands were fed by a small boy’s lunch being multiplied and the disciples of Jesus were told that mountains could be moved if faith was present.

How can it all be?  Because God has a way through everything!


He is the King of the Ages.

He is the King of Heaven.

He is the King of Glory.

He is the One who brings the counsel of the nations to nothing and makes the plans of the peoples of no effect.

His counsel stands forever and the plans of His heart to all generations.

He is the one of who rides on the Heavens, who makes a way in the desert, who speaks to the wind and the waves and they are still, who stands as a shield about His people, who numbers the hairs of your head and says you are of more value than many sparrows.  

This is the One who promises that, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you for I am the Lord your God.”  Isaiah 43:2

He gives power to the weak and to those who have no might He increases strength.

Yes, God has a way through everything.                                              

  • Operate from your place of origin which is as a representative of another domain, the domain of Heaven.  You are a citizen of Heaven and a joint heir with Christ.
  •  Keep “oil in your lamp” by daily fellowship with the Lord.
  •  Live from a position of peace and rest.
  •  Pray, knowing that if it exists in Heaven it can be brought to earth.
  •  Live as a carrier of His Presence.
Aglow began in 1967 with four women who expressed a desire to meet together as Christians without denominational boundaries. Today Aglow spans the globe with almost 4000 groups meeting regularly in 170 nations. Please visit the website below for more information, and to locate an Aglow Lighthouse near you.


  1. How do you get to know this God you write about? I hear people say they live for Him but how do you get a personal relationship with Him? How can you know that your saved and will go to heaven?


  2. God created you and wants to have a personal relationship with you. He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for your sins just so that you could have that relationship with Him. That's how much He loves you. How do you get to know Him? Just ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Ask Him to show you who Jesus is, and the significance of what Jesus did 2000 years ago on the Cross.

    When you accept the sacrifice that Jesus made….giving His own life for you and me…when you ask Him to take full control of your life, and you mean it…then you are saved.


  3. I rejoice with you and celebrate as you start on your new journey with Jesus! It won't always be easy, but if you stay with Him, He will guide you every step of the way. I pray that you will come to know Him not only as your Savior, but as your Best Friend, your Healer, your Provider…your Everything!


  4. So easy to forget, but so important to remember. I think we read those old Bible stories in a jaded way like “I know this already,” but if we read them with fresh eyes–they are so powerful! And God still does the same things today. Thanks for sharing on Equipping Godly Women Fellowship Fridays!


  5. I agree. I remember there were times I did not see a way out, but when you really think about it there is nothing too hard for God. He performed miracles back then and is still performing miracles now.


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