Late last month I fell and twisted my left foot badly…heard a pop, then felt as if something like a strap had come loose on the inside of my foot. As I looked down at my swelling foot I said to nobody in particular, “And I’m supposed to preach tomorrow!” By the time I got home the pain was excruciating and I couldn’t put any pressure on my foot. It felt as if the bones were separated and my ankle would not support my weight.

The pain continued to grow worse through the night, so much so that at 12:30 a.m. I called and woke my Pastor to let him know what had happened so that he could prepare himself to minister that morning. However, I still believed that God could do a miracle. I prayed, asking the Lord to heal me and allow me to preach the message I had prepared.

At 4:30 a.m. I heard in my spirit “healing as you go“, and remembered the ten lepers who went to Jesus to be healed. He had told them to go and show themselves to the priest, and it was as they went in obedience they were healed. I put my foot on the floor, and could literally feel the swelling in the sole going down and the pain subsiding. As I walked I worshiped because this was the miracle that I had prayed for!  So I got dressed…complete with heels….went to church and stood for about 2 hours worshiping and preaching, during which time my foot felt weird, but there was no pain.

For several days after that the pain was minimal as long as I kept the foot elevated, and the swelling even began to subside somewhat, so I assumed that it had just been badly wrenched. I made sure not to put pressure on it to aggravate it. However by the next weekend the pain and swelling increased so I went to have it x-rayed, and was told that when I fell the foot was broken (that was the pop I had heard), and I had torn some ligaments. Yes………I had preached on a broken foot!

It was put in a cast and I was instructed to use crutches. The doctor said that because of my age it would take longer than usual for the bone to heal.. (I restrained myself from telling him that he didn’t know the God I serve, who had already done a miracle for me.) The doctor estimated that I would have to wear the cast for about 4 weeks, and gave me an appointment to come back for a follow up x-ray and consultation in 2 1/2 weeks. I, however, believed that God could do the impossible just as He had done on that Sunday. When I got home I found a Scripture that was appropriate for my condition and began declaring it over my foot every day, several times a day, like medicine….

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But the Lord delivers him out of them all.
He guards all his bones;
Not one of them is broken.” (Psalm 34:19-20)

About 5 days later I felt an intense heat in my foot…both on the inside and on the outside…yet it wasn’t painful. Then I literally felt a Hand inside the cast massaging the sole in small circular motions… moving from the base of my toes down one side of the foot and up the other side. Then the Hand moved to the instep and massaged the areas where the ligaments had been torn. This lasted for about 40-45 minutes during which time I remained still and worshiped. The sensation of the heat happened again on two more occasions, both while I was at church.

When I returned 2 1/2 weeks later and did the follow up x-ray the difference could clearly be seen on the films. The first one had shown the bone sticking out, but in the second x-ray the bone was straight, and you had to look carefully to see where the break had occurred. The doctor said that I didn’t need the cast anymore, and had it removed!! The only instruction that he gave was that I should continue to use the crutches for about another week and then gradually bear weight on the left foot as I felt comfortable.

The next day I attended our regular Friday night evangelistic and healing service, walking into the sanctuary without the cast but using the crutches as I had been instructed. However, during worship I found myself bearing weight on my left foot, without any discomfort. As the worship continued I had the same sensation that I had felt on the Sunday morning a few weeks earlier…..the swelling began to go down rapidly…so much so that I was able to walk with some assistance across the back of the sanctuary!!

I am now completely off the crutches and walking on my own. There is no natural explanation for the miracle on that Sunday morning or the subsequent accelerated healing of this “older person’s” broken foot. However, there is certainly a spiritual answer. The same God who healed the sick and raised the dead…the God who opened blinded eyes and caused the lame to walk…that same God is as alive and as powerful as He ever was! He is no respecter of persons.  He healed me and He can heal you also!!

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; 
they shall mount up with wings as eagles; 
they shall run, and not be weary; 
and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31


Thanks to Michaella Frederick
for sharing this powerful testimony

In March of 2012, I noticed a lump on the left of my neck near to my hairline. I was really shocked because I just never expected anything like that to happen to me. Though I never voiced it, thoughts of cancer came to my mind.

From that very day, I reminded myself that I knew that it is always God’s will to heal me. I didn’t share with very many persons, especially not with my family, because I knew that they would panic and all but force me to get medical help, and I knew that I didn’t want that. I also didn’t want their anxiety to affect my faith in God’s commitment through His word to heal me.

Every day I would feel the lump and it kept getting bigger, harder and more pronounced. Every time, I felt doubt creeping in, I would remind myself, in opposition to my feelings at the time, that God said, in His Word,

  1. that by His stripes I was healed, 
  2. that He sent His Word to heal me, 
  3. that He desires that I prosper and be in good health even as my soul prospers, 
  4. that healing is the children’s bread.

One Friday night, a few months later, while at a service at my church, I came to the point where I wondered why the lump was still there when I know that it’s God’s will to heal me. I decided that either I will take God at His Word or I won’t. If I take Him at His Word, I can’t worry about it. Thankfully, accepting the grace of God, I chose to trust God to do it…..SO MUCH SO that although physically it was obvious, I forgot about it.

I was SO pleasantly surprised and ecstatic when I was rubbing my neck in early October, seven months later, only to realise……..IT…. WAS….. GONE! Today, I give God all the praise, all the glory and all the thanks that there is not a SINGLE trace of any lump on my neck! His Word alone was my medicine. He IS the great Physician. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! Yes! Praise God indeed!

After I was healed, I shared with my family what Jesus had done for me. They were happy but still skeptical, asking me to make sure that it really was gone and wondering if it would come back. At that point, it was clear to me that I needed to share my testimony publicly as a demonstration of faith in what Jesus had done and to give no place to the devil for doubt in my mind. It is finished! I have overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of my testimony. God still heals!


Thanks to Allison Sylvester-Conliffe
for another powerful article

God instituted Marriage, therefore it is a holy institution and it is sacred … just because it came from God.  He in His Wisdom saw that man should not be alone, and that he should have a help meet, a companion … someone to share himself with, someone to be intimate with, someone who he could love and from whom he could receive love in return.  It should be noted that God made the selection of a wife for Adam.  Adam did not have a choice in the matter at all … and God expected Adam to love her and to be intimate with her … and she with him … regardless.

As I pondered Adam and Eve’s relationship, I realized that God was also included as a part of their relationship.  He was in the midst of it.  The Bible tells us that in the cool of the day God visited them.  Both Adam and Eve were free in God … no secrets, nothing hidden.  You say how do I know that?  The Bible said that they were naked.  That means that all was exposed with nothing hidden. They were free beings in God.  Until … the serpent, our enemy called satan, visited one of them.

We have an enemy folks, and his name is satan.  He is alive today, just as he was alive in the Garden in the day of Adam.  Now whether you choose to believe that or not, would not alter the truth.  Our enemy’s intent and sole purpose is to take us away from close communion with God and from being free in God.

Back in the Book of Genesis Chapter 3 it captures for us, what happens when we refuse to harken unto God’s Word, and when we choose instead to harken unto another voice and so yield to it.  That “other voice”, people, is always the voice of the enemy which is used to entice you to want to please self rather than to be pleasing unto God.  That voice causes you to ignore God’s Word, yield to temptation and do what appeases your flesh. 

In the husband/wife relationship, the enemy just has to whisper into the ear of one of the parties, either the husband or the wife … present a scenario which would appeal to his/or her senses (which is fleshly) and it’s up to the subject to take the bait or not.

It really doesn’t matter to the devil which one accedes to the challenge you know, because he’s looking toward the end result, which is to cause the couple to displease God.  He wants to make a breach in the union which God had sealed.  That is his motive and that is his job … to convince us of his diabolical plan by deceiving us into believing one … just one … of his lies.  Then it would be mission accomplished. All it takes is for him to whisper into the right ear, and so cause that vessel to waiver in his or her faith and he would have his hook firmly set into your jaw and then he yanks it.  This way, you would be totally under his control.

If we take a look at broken marriages, or even divorced couples … you would see a common thread.  In the majority of cases, the reason for the separation was because one of the party’s self dis-satisfaction.  The other person was not doing this right.  It was because the other person was not bringing enough into the relationship to satisfy me.  Not taking me anywhere … not buying me nice things … not making me happy.  But did God’s Word not say that you ought to esteem others more highly than yourself? (Philippians 2:3)  Believing otherwise, or contrary to that Word would tell me that you are disobeying the Word of God. 

It is also recorded in the Word of God as a command, that the husband should love his wife as Christ loved the church … and in return the wife should submit to the husband.  Read Ephesians Chapter 5 again.  The parties who are involved in the covenant of marriage are supposed to concentrate on esteeming the other more highly than their own selves.

Each one should concentrate on loving that other person, cherishing the mate and not looking with expectancy for the mate to esteem and cherish us.  The latter would eventually happen, but it should not be the focus.  The husband’s energies are to be placed in loving the wife and the wife’s energies are to be in loving the husband.  That is the key that we miss as married couples.  In truly loving the other person, we would indeed be pleasing God.

The reason why we were created was to be pleasing unto God.  We were made for God’s pleasure.  We are to please God in our relationships, marital or otherwise.  Loving each other as God wants us to love will bring to each individual the ultimate benefits in God. 

We cannot assume that what we call love is what God calls love.  We have to seek God to know how to love our spouses. Our prayer should be “What should I do Lord, to bring satisfaction to my partner?  Please show me how to love him/her!”  Because what you may call love may not appeal to him or her at all.  Your prayer should never be “Lord, change my partner to be this or to be that so that I could be satisfied”!  Do you see the difference?

Love is selfless, it is a giving of yourself to another, unconditionally.  Just as God loved us so much, even in our wretched state, that He gave the Son that He loved to die in order that we should live.  True love, is really a dying to self.  It is a deep expression towards another.  Love is never selfish, nor does it seek its own.  Love pours outward unto another.

That other thing which caters to self satisfaction, and fulfills me is called some other thing, but don’t call it love at all.  Love is a sacrificial giving of oneself to another.  The pleasure is the joy in seeing the other person happy and fulfilled. Think what would happen if we all approach our marriage relationships in this manner.  In this way, when your spouse feels hurt you will feel hurt too.  Love would seek the welfare of the spouse and this will spill out unto the children too, and they will follow the same pattern in their own married lives.  God will indeed be pleased.

We have to get back to loving God first as He has commanded, before we even attempt to get ourselves a husband or wife and committing to marriage.  Pleasing God should be our motive and this would be reflected in our relationships.  What I have seen is that we go after the physical attraction and breach God’s laws by hitting the sack, then maybe we will get married and because we go after pleasure for our individual selves, there are all sorts of friction and head butting being experienced in the marriage.  This arises because God is not our focus.  We instead, make ourselves the focus and this is wrong.

For those of us who are experiencing turbulence in the marriage, stop for a while and purpose to do things differently.  Instead of wanting to get “whatever” out of the relationship, try putting something in.  Try treating your spouse differently.  Now I did not say that the spouse was deserving of anything.  We are going beyond that. Ask God to show you exactly how to go about it.

Let your creativity loose and start by giving the spouse maybe a granola bar, a box of chocolates, some flowers, a new shirt or a pair of socks.  It may be that you would give of yourself by watching a movie with your spouse, especially if that is not what you would normally do. Be creative and give, because you want to please God.  Remember, that you even have to love the unlovely! Therefore you are without excuse.

Daily, purpose to do some good act in order to bring pleasure to your spouse … no, not to you … to your spouse!! Try this method for the first month.  God in His Wisdom will break down barriers and heal wounds and cultivate a newness in your marriage that cannot go unnoticed.  It is supernatural because it will be all God’s doing.

Visit Romans 13:10 which says –

“Love worketh no ill to his neighbour, therefore love is the fulfillment of the law!”

I summarize by saying that just by expressing love as God wants you to love, will cause you to keep all of the Commandments … in which case you will then be pleasing God … you will also be pleasing your spouse and your spouse will in turn be pleasing you.

God Bless You!

ISSUES OF THE HEART: 6 – Run to Reconcile

But when he was still a great way off, 
his father saw him and had compassion, 
and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. 
Luke 15:20

Picture yourself as the father of this prodigal son.

Months, maybe even years ago, he had suddenly demanded his inheritance. It pained you to grant his request, but you obliged, and gave it not only to him, but to his older brother also.

It has been a heartbreaking time because of this breach between you. The pain that you have felt far outweighs any fleeting spells of anger. You’ve tried your best to make life as normal as possible, but that nagging image of him walking away, creating an ever widening gulf, has never been far from your mind.

Then one day as you stand outside you see a small cloud of dust on the path in the distance. You know that someone is coming to your house, though you can’t quite tell who it is. But then as you look closer you recognize the shape of that body. You have never forgotten that unmistakable walk, even though it’s much slower than the last time you saw it. It’s him!!

Forgetting your advancing years you take off in full gallop to meet him, willing your aging legs to move faster, and ignoring the protesting pains in your body. You are undaunted by the stares of neighbors and servants who are all witnessing this scene, and wondering if you will once again be subjected to another public humiliation.

As you finally reach him you gather him into your arms and kiss him over and over again, tears of joy streaming down your face. You’re oblivious to the dirt and sweat that cake his unwashed body. It doesn’t even dawn on you to consider what his reaction would be. All you know is that you’re together again.

This father had every right to be hurt and angry. He had suffered because of his son’s words and actions. Yet his reaction to his son’s return can only be described in one way – love without restraint. He didn’t wait for an explanation, an excuse or an apology. He made the first move in repairing the breach. He ran to reconcile.

Can you picture our Heavenly Father doing the same with you? Without hesitation He draws you into Himself and offers you all that is His. His servants – the angelic host in heaven – break out in an impromptu party because you have come home! To the Father your motive for turning to Him does not matter. He knows that His unconditional love covers a multitude of your sins, and that in His presence there is healing, restoration, forgiveness, peace and joy.

Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins. Proverbs 10:12
Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. Luke 15:10

There is no doubt that this father would have been tremendously hurt because of his son’s actions. He suffered…

  • heartbreak
  • disappointment
  • humiliation
  • unmet expectations
  • financial loss
  • loss of contact
  • lovelessness
  • the son’s indifference to his feelings and welfare
  • unanswered questions
  • abandonment

Yet this man disregarded his anguish and ran to reconcile with his son.

The action the father took was as much for himself as it was for the son. In reaching out to the prodigal the father set his own life on a course of healing and restoration. He knew that he would not be whole unless he reconciled with the very one who caused him so much pain.

Years ago there was a person who had caused me tremendous emotional pain, and for a long time I walked around with very silent, very subtle resentment and bitterness towards this individual. I thought that as long as we stayed clear of each other and I wasn’t reminded of the offense, then all was well. I was a leader in the church, yet I was unaware that this breach had actually caused a domino effect.

One day the Holy Spirit convicted me, and I picked up the phone, called and forgave this person, saying that as of that moment it was as if the offense had never occurred….and I meant it. Mind you, I could only have done this with the help of the Holy Spirit Himself!

After that conversation I literally felt a weight lift from me – a weight that I never knew I had been carrying all along. I also hadn’t realized that the resentment that I had been harboring had affected those around me. This bitterness had spread like a cancer, affecting other relationships in my life. That was the domino effect! But once I repaired the breach those relationships improved also.

I’m sure that like me, someone has caused you pain by their words and/or actions. As long as we are in this world offenses will come (Luke 17:1). Maybe even now, as you read this article, the situation is yet unresolved. Can you relate to some of the suffering that the father endured?

Sometimes you and I are the ones who commit the offense. At that time guilt, embarrassment, rationalization and fear may tempt you to do nothing, and pretend that all is well. But the Lord still requires that you obey His Word.

Your reaction to a breach in a relationship is actually a test of your love for the Lord, not just for the individual you’re at odds with. Jesus said that if you love Him you will obey His commandments.

Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words… John 14:23-24a

Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Matthew 5:23, 24

For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew 5:14-15

Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation 2 Corinthians 5:18

This father didn’t walk slowly, he didn’t hesitate, nor did he stop in mid stride. He ran and kept on running until he reached his target. Why run?

In the natural running bridges a gap quickly. It allows you to get from your starting point to your destination with speed. In a race, the fastest runner claims the prize. Think about it…………you hardly ever see a lazy runner! Runners usually have a goal to reach and they focus on their target. This father was serious about reaching his goal, so he ran!

The same is true in the spiritual. Running to reconcile with someone is an indication that you are serious about  obeying God’s command. It also prevents the enemy from stepping in and doing further damage to the relationship. It’s hard for satan to hit a fast moving target!

In hurrying toward his prodigal son the father outran his own personal hurt. He outran the spirits of doubt, accusation, anger, resentment, bitterness and unforgiveness that would have hindered him had he lingered.

I pray that as you listen to the song below, it will inspire you to
run to reconcile!


I thank my dear friend George for sharing this powerful testimony.

As a non-believer I lived a reckless life of partying, alcoholism and adultery. I had no time for my family, and got into considerable debt to support my lifestyle. Banks and lending institutions would approach me and give me loans, so there was not a time that I didn’t have money.  I remember once spending $15,000.00 in two weeks and had nothing to show for it.  It was all spent on women and alcohol, and on me to have a good time.  This happened on two other occasions when I had $13,000.00 and then $10,000.00, and again I had nothing to show for it. 

I would constantly lie to my wife about my whereabouts and activities. That was easy to do because of the type of job that I had and the position that I was in.  I used to drink so much, that no matter what kind or brand of alcohol that I drank, it had no effect on me.  Somehow I could not get drunk or feel high anymore.  My peers would rate me as the “best drinker” they knew.

I had owned three cars, and with each, had a near death experience. On each occasion I knew it was God who had saved me, and I would say to myself that I needed to give Him more of my time, but that never happened. I just continued drinking all the more each day.

At that time I attended a traditional church, and on Sunday mornings after church I would go home and drink without having any breakfast or lunch. I would drink all by myself.  I would tell myself that something is wrong with this and I would ask God to help me.  I knew that something was wrong, but I was incapable of changing on my own accord.

One day in 2001 my twin brother invited me to a service at Trinidad Christian Center. I refused. Nevertheless, two weeks later I felt in my heart that I had to attend this church. It was as though an audible voice was compelling me to do so. During that second week I found myself lying to all my friends, when they called and invited me to go out with them. I turned them all down saying that I was busy, even though I did not quite understand what was happening to me.  I know now that it was God who was preparing me for His good pleasure.

I decided to go that Sunday and my wife was delighted. I, too, surprisingly, was excited to attend. I even returned the following week. During this service something happened inside of me.

I no longer had the desire to drink alcohol, and I was eager to hear the Word of God preached!

The next Sunday, as the Pastor of the church was delivering the Word I felt my stomach become tied up into knots, and before I knew it I was in tears even before the call for Salvation was made. When the call for salvation was made I somehow was locked into a place alone with Jesus, and felt my legs taking me towards the altar. I remember saying the “sinner’s prayer” as I gave my heart to the Lord. I was broken and in tears. It seemed to me that Jesus had reached His hand inside of me and uprooted every dirty and ungodly thing! I knew that He had cleansed and delivered me from my sins, and I thank God for my deliverance from alcohol addiction and adultery and every other sin.

Today I cannot even bear the smell of alcohol. I feel sick when I do. God has done a complete work – Hallelujah! I used to watch these things on television and always doubted the truth of it, but the Lord has allowed it to happen to me. Now I know that Jesus is real, and there is no one else like Him! I thank God for my dear Pastor and Apostle who led me in to these blessings.

Since then my entire life has been restored and God has since blessed me with a much better relationship with my wife and daughter, a new home, a new car and so much else.

Now my family and I pray together, have fun and enjoy a God-filled relationship that we had longed for.  There is also a peace and joy within me, and within our home that could only have come from Jesus!

Today I can only give praise and worship unto my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  Only God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit could do what was done in my life.   

Praise the Lord!

To read his wife Allison’s story please click on this link: 



Now that the Golden Lampstand is lit, walk with me to the opposite side of the Holy Place to the Table of Showbread. It is made of the same material that we have become familiar with since starting this study – shittim wood overlaid with pure gold. The shittim, or acacia wood, because of its durability, symbolizes Jesus’ indestructible body while the gold symbolizes His divinity. He was all Man yet all God!


On the Table are twelve loaves of bread – flat cakes set in two rows of six each. This bread is also called the bread of the Presence or the bread of faces. There is much symbolism here, so let’s stop awhile, for here you will have another divine encounter with our Saviour.

This pattern of two rows of six is repeated in the garments of the high priest. On his shoulders were two onyx stones and on each stone the names of six of the tribes of Israel were engraved.
“And you shall put the two stones on the shoulders of the ephod as memorial stones for the sons of Israel. So Aaron shall bear their names before the LORD on his two shoulders as a memorial.” – Exodus 28:12. The high priest was a representative of the presence of Jesus Christ.

Isaiah prophesied of Jesus in this way..

“For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

The number twelve represents governmental perfection. There were twelve tribes of Israel, twelve disciples, twelve foundations in the New Jerusalem which had twelve gates and twelve pearls. The high priest bore the names of the twelve tribes on his shoulders.

Jesus, our Great High Priest, bears you and me on His shoulder. He is the Good Shepherd, carrying you when you are weak, or straying. He is your Husband-Redeemer. Lay your head on His shoulder and be comforted. He bore your sins, and bids you to give your burdens to Him. What a Saviour!


The priests were commanded by God to eat the bread on that Table. “And it shall be for Aaron and his sons, and they shall eat it in a holy place…” – Leviticus 24:9

When you eat something it becomes a part of you. You can no longer separate the thing eaten from your being. In other words, there is an intimate bond that develops between you and the food.

Then Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My flesh is food indeed, and My blood is drink indeed. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him. – John 6:53-56

Jesus is the Bread of Life. He is the Showbread on the Table!

Now consider this…

“And He (Jesus) took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” – Luke 22:19

The next time you receive communion, eat the bread knowing that you are receiving the power that is in the Body of Christ Jesus – the Body that bore all your sins. Drink the wine/grape juice knowing that you are receiving everything that the Blood of Jesus always did from the beginning – the Blood that never loses its power; the Blood that cleanses, heals and restores. Now mind you – I’m not talking about a religious ritual that produces no power. I’m speaking of an intense spiritual encounter – one that I have experienced personally – that can manifest in physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Eat His Body, drink His Blood, and watch what happens as that supernatural Body and Blood become one with you!!

The Table of Showbread in Moses’ Tabernacle is an awesome picture of the divine intimate communion that you and I can enjoy with our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ today!!

to be continued…


And He went up on the mountain 
and called to Him those He Himself wanted. 
And they came to Him. 
Mark 3:13

Out of the crowd who were gathered at the seaside, Jesus called (invited) many to come up higher to Him. Those who responded to the call had a mountain level experience.

I believe these were the same disciples whom Jesus spoke to when He gave the Sermon on the Mount. These were the same ones who learned the principles of the Kingdom of God.

And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him. Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven….” – Matthew 5:1-3

The “called” were the ones whom Jesus sent out, giving them power and authority they never thought they could wield.

After these things the Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go. Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves. …heal the sick there, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’ – Luke 10:1-3, 9

They returned, excitedly reporting to Jesus the results of their mission, and He in turn confirmed their authority.

Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.” And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” – Luke 10:17-20

Just like the people in that day you may have started off at ground level, so to speak, on your journey with the Lord. Maybe there was some crisis in your life – an illness, a broken relationship, a financial crisis or some other dilemma. You reached out to Jesus and He was there. Then you heard His invitation and you responded, entering into the mountain level experience. But is that all there is? Does this level guarantee you a place in heaven?

In John 3:3 Jesus told Nicodemus, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Soon afterward the Lord tells him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”

Is it possible to see the Kingdom of God and yet not enter it? I believe it is very possible, just as the children of Israel saw the Promised Land, but were denied access to it because of their disbelief and disobedience.

When you accept Jesus as your Saviour you are given the same power and authority that the seventy of that day were given, and it will work. However, note Jesus’ stern warning at the end of His Sermon on the Mount….

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ – Matthew 7:21-23

Remaining at the level of being “called” puts you in grave danger of

  • Double mindedness. You are still too close to the ground level and could “fall off the mountain” if you allow your senses to control you.
  • Being lukewarm. There are so many who sit in churches Sunday after Sunday and in weekly Bible studies. They hear the Word of God and are aware of the principles of the Kingdom, yet they fall into the sin of familiarity. The Word becomes so common to them that it loses its relevance, and therefore its potency. They become hearers and not doers of the Word. Jesus said that if you are like the lukewarm Laodicean church of Revelation 3 He will spit you out of His mouth!
  • False assurance of your position in Christ. You can be called to be an apostle, called to be a prophet, called to evangelize, pastor or teach. You may have the gift of healing, faith, tongues or interpretation of tongues. You may give liberally or serve faithfully in your local assembly. You may have the title of Bishop, Minister or Reverend. However, as the passage in Matthew 7 indicates, none of this guarantees your entrance into heaven.
  • Judgmentalism and a Pharisaical spirit. This happens if you apply the letter of the Law of the Kingdom without understanding or applying the spirit of the Law.

Scripture records that Jesus gave the same authority to the seventy that He had given to the twelve apostles (see Luke 9:1-2). Yet the end results were so different.

“….many are called, but few are chosen.” 
Matthew 20:16

To be continued….


There are 3 types of people who interact with Jesus, and the gospel of Mark gives an illustration of who they are. We meet them at three different levels – both physically and spiritually.



But Jesus withdrew with His disciples to the sea. And a great multitude from Galilee followed Him, and from Judea and Jerusalem and Idumea and beyond the Jordan; and those from Tyre and Sidon, a great multitude, when they heard how many things He was doing, came to Him. So He told His disciples that a small boat should be kept ready for Him because of the multitude, lest they should crush Him. For He healed many, so that as many as had afflictions pressed about Him to touch Him. Mark 3:7-10

Here are some characteristics of the crowd:-

  • They often initiate the contact with Jesus because they have specific needs that they want Him to meet
  • Many just want to get a “word from the Lord” or a touch from Him to relieve their discomfort
  • They are not necessarily interested in committing themselves to have a relationship with Him
  • Included in this group are those who will heed the call, those who are to be chosen, the curious and those are there to plot against the ministry
  • People hide themselves within the crowd so they can remain unaccountable
  • The crowd can be influenced by opposing voices, and can change quickly from “Hosanna” to “Crucify Him.” Therefore the number in the crowd is not an accurate measure of one’s effectiveness in ministry.

The demands and momentum of the crowd have the potential to take a minister off the focus of his/her primary calling. Jesus was always aware of what His primary mission was, and He kept His focus.

When they found Him, they said to Him, “Everyone is looking for You.” But He said to them, “Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I have come forth.” Mark 1: 37, 38

Notice, also, Jesus’ wisdom in telling the disciples to get a boat ready for Him to get into. This was His way of making sure that:

  • the crowd didn’t wear Him out
  • He was able to focus on His primary purpose – preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom

If  you are a minister, don’t allow the crowd to dictate what you do, how you do it or when you do it. Be like Jesus and listen to the Voice of the Father only.

If  you are a part of the “crowd” in your congregation, please know that this ground level interaction with the Lord will not get you anything but temporary fixes, and even those will run out after a while. Hear Jesus calling you to come up higher – to elevate your relationship with Him. Will you answer His call today?

to be continued……